

Welcome to Royles Brook Primary School. We hope our website provides you with an insight into the education and extended opportunities we provide for our children. You are always welcome to visit our school by appointment, where you can meet our lovely children, our nurturing staff team and experience our school day in action.

Royles Brook Primary School is a larger than average community primary school set in the village of Thornton-Cleveleys. We are fortunate to have extensive school grounds, as well as many areas of interest within the locality, which are well utilised to enhance our curriculum and extend our pupils’ experiences.

All our children are at the heart of everything we do; every decision that we make. It is important to us to see our children enjoying their school days, whilst achieving the best in all that they do. Every child is recognised for who they are and are supported in whatever they aspire to become.

Our curriculum is creative and exciting, ensuring good achievement and progression for all children, whatever their starting points. We are committed to continuously improving our curriculum, following our children’s interests as well as statutory guidelines.

We promote children’s personal development through the curriculum but also through a wide range of extra-curricular activities, including a variety of sports and the arts. We foster our values to be kind, to be thankful and to be ambitious in all that we do. We hope that children will carry these values, as well as a love for learning, throughout their school lives and well into their adulthood.

Our school is well supported by a committed governing body which offer a wide range of professionalisms and a very enthusiastic PTFA, who organise many exciting events throughout the year.

Enjoy browsing through our website and we hope to see you very soon.

Kind regards,

Mrs Jennifer McKinnon 

| Find Us

Royles Brook
Primary School

Marsh Road
Thornton Cleveleys,
Lancashire, FY5 2TY

| Contact Us

School Office | 01253 821396

[email protected]

| Head Teacher

Head Teacher | Mrs J McKinnon

[email protected]

| Who we are

SEN | Miss R Lea

[email protected]

School Business Manager | Miss S Uttley

[email protected]

Family Support | Mrs D Lambert

[email protected]