Linden Class


Welcome to Linden Class!

My name is Miss Jackson and I am Linden’s class teacher. We have additional help from Mrs Marsh and Mrs Ogden and Miss Lea will be covering PPA on a Wednesday morning.

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that your child wears their full PE kit on both of these days.

I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and looking forward to a happy a productive school year. In the classroom we are a BIG happy family, we share and respect each other. We will always be kind, good listeners and try our best. We will continue to learn how to be Royles Brook Role Models and will continue to practice the three pocket principles, and on top of all else I assure you that we will be HAVING FUN! Teaching is an absolute passion of mine! I am so excited to work with you and your child. It is going to be a year full of fun, learning and lots of adventures. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us! I thought that you might want to know a little bit more about me.
I love animals. I am animal mad. I have three dogs called Bear, Badger and Wolf. Wolf is a little monkey and is always rolling in mud when we go out walking. Badger loves to sleep; he would sleep all day and eat sausages if you let him. Bear is loyal and very chatty; he barks at everything and loves to let people know that he is there. I love walking in the lakes and being outdoors. A huge passion of mine is cooking; I love to experiment with new ideas rather than following a recipe.

We love to learn outside and we have a wonderful outdoor learning environment; please ensure that your child brings a pair of wellies in so that they are able to access the outdoor learning environment all year round. 

In Autumn term we will be learning all about The Great Fire of London; if you have anything interesting or relevant to this topic, please let me know as we would love to include these in our learning. 

In Spring term we will be learning all about Changes within Living Memory and Living Things and their Habitats. We can't wait to go and observe plants in our local area. 

In Summer term we will learning all different materials with a focus on the scientist Charles Macintosh. 

I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning in Linden class.

Miss Jackson 

| Find Us

Royles Brook
Primary School

Marsh Road
Thorton Cleveleys,
Lancashire, FY5 2TY

| Contact Us

School Office | 01253 821396

[email protected]

| Head Teacher

Head Teacher | Mrs J McKinnon

[email protected]

| Who we are

SEN | Miss R Lea

[email protected]

School Business Manager | Miss S Uttley

[email protected]

Family Support | Mrs D Lambert

[email protected]