Admission Arrangements

Royles Brook Primary School is a maintained community primary school.  The admission authority is Lancashire County Council.

Full details regarding applying for a school place can be found via the Lancashire County Council Website as follows: Apply for a School Place  

Online admissions for our reception class open with Lancashire County Council website on the 1st September and closes on the 15th January each year prior to a child commencing the Reception intake.

Determined admission policy and proposed documents can be found on the Lancashire County Council website: Admission Arrangements 2025-2026

Local Authorities must now also co-ordinate in year applications for all schools for which it is the admission authority, irrespective of the year group.

You may download a copy of the School Admissions Code from this page.

Lancashire County Council is the Admission Authority for community schools, they now co-ordinate in year admissions for Royles Brook Primary School where a parent/guardian requires a school place.

The school cannot legally offer any school places, all offers must be made by the Pupil Access Team.  We would signpost all applications for admission to our school to the local area office – these are the contact details:

Pupil Access Team, Area North Lancashire, PO Box 606, White Cross Education Centre, Quarry Road, Lancaster, LA1 3SQ.

Phone : 01524 581148

Email : [email protected]

The school does not operate a waiting list for school places.

If you would like to appeal for a place at Royles Brook Primary School this is the link for the application form: Admission Appeals


Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools:

During the Autumn Term of 2023, consultation took place to propose changes to the admission arrangements for Lancashire’s Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, relating to September 2025 admissions.

Upon determination by Cabinet in February 2024, the following change was agreed.  For all C&VC schools, category 3 will now give priority to

Children eligible for Services Premium.

This becomes effective for September 2025 admissions.


For schools without a Geographical Priority Area, the admission arrangements for September 2025 onwards will be:~

When a school is oversubscribed on parental preferences, then the following priorities apply in order:

  1. Looked after children or a child who was previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order, or special guardianship order or those children who appear to the school to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted, then
  2. Children for whom the Local Authority accepts that there are exceptional medical social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned, then
  3. Children eligible for Services Premium, then
  4. Children with older brothers and sisters attending the school when the younger child will start, then
  5. Remaining places are allocated according to where a child lives. Those living nearest to the preferred school by a straight line (radial) measure will have priority, below.

The distance criterion will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria; it is a straight line (radial) measure.

If the Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria (e.g. siblings, those living the same distance from home to school, or families residing in the same block of flats) places will be offered via a random draw.

The distance measure is a straight line measurement (radial) between the applicant’s home address points and the address point of the school (co-ordinates provided by ordnance survey data).

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| Find Us

Royles Brook
Primary School

Marsh Road
Thornton Cleveleys,
Lancashire, FY5 2TY

| Contact Us

School Office | 01253 821396

[email protected]

| Head Teacher

Head Teacher | Mrs J McKinnon

[email protected]

| Who we are

SEN | Miss R Lea

[email protected]

School Business Manager | Miss S Uttley

[email protected]

Family Support | Mrs D Lambert

[email protected]