Juniper Class
Welcome to Juniper Class!
My name is Mrs Horsley and I am the class teacher in Juniper Class.
We have additional help from Mrs Marsh and Mrs Tauber. Mrs Ogden will be covering PPA on a Monday morning.
We love to learn outside and we have a wonderful outdoor learning environment; please ensure that your child brings a pair of wellies in so that they are able to access the outdoor learning environment all year round.
Our PE days are on a Tuesday and Friday so please ensure the children come into school dressed in their full PE kits on these days.
Can you please ensure that your child brings their reading book and record into school everyday. Regular reading at home is very important and will really help with your child’s learning.
Our learning will be showcased on our Class Dojo App so please make sure you are logged onto our class page. If you are having any difficulties, please contact the school office.