Oak Class
Welcome to Oak Class!
I am your class teacher Miss Barlow and our teaching assistants are Mrs Slate and Mrs Priestly.
During the Spring Term, our topics include:
Stories on a theme
Poems on a theme
Ancient Britain - Stonehenge
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
African Tunics
Dance (Rock and Roll)
OAA (outdoor adventurous activities)
Hindu Dharma
And much more!
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday each week. Please make sure children are wearing their PE kit on these days (yellow t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings, grey hoody and sensible trainers). Please ensure earrings are removed or covered with plasters on PE days.
Please ensure your child brings their reading book and reading diary into school daily. Please read regularly with your child and record this in their reading diary. Reading books will be checked regularly.
Multiplication Check
All Year Four children complete the National Multiplication Check in June and to assist children with this at home, all children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars.
Our Spring Term homework grid can be found on Class Dojo. Children can complete their homework in their homework books, which can then be photographed and uploaded to Class Dojo as evidence. Please remember homework books stay at home.
We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack for break time such as: fruit, veg, cheese or a savoury snack. Please remember we are a NO NUTS school. We have children and staff with severe allergies, therefore, please ensure all food products brought into school are no nuts and no traces of nuts.