Maple Class
Welcome to Maple Class!
My name is Mr. Walley and I will be teaching Maple Class this year; I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for such a warm welcome. We will also have Mrs. Priestley in our class, who is our teaching assistant. On a Tuesday morning, Mrs. Ogden will be teaching RE and Spanish. This year, we are looking forward to learning exciting new topics and valuable skills. In Maple Class we are all respectful, responsible and ready to learn.
At Royles Brook School, we cover a broad and balanced curriculum offering each child an exciting educational journey. Yearly curriculum overviews for each class can be found on the school’s website. In Maple Class, we will be focusing on:
During the Spring Term, our topics include:
Stories on a theme
Poems on a theme
Ancient Britain - Stonehenge
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
African Tunics
Dance (Rock and Roll)
OAA (outdoor adventurous activities)
Hindu Dharma
And much more!
PE Days
Our PE days are on a Wednesday and Friday. Please send your child to school wearing their full PE uniform on these days. PE uniform comprises of yellow t-shirt, black shorts or black jogger/leggings (no logos) and school PE hoody. Trainers can be worn but pumps will be required for specific activities such as gymnastics and dance; you will be notified when these are needed. Please ensure earrings are removed or covered with plasters on PE days. Please remember that, for safety reasons, earrings must only be a single stud and not hooped or dangly.
Your child needs to bring their reading book and reading diary into school every day. Reading books will be checked and changed regularly to ensure your child has the opportunity to read daily at home. We love to hear how your child is progressing, so please comment regularly to let us know how they are getting on.
It is great to get involved in your child’s learning and your contribution can be invaluable. In addition to reading regularly with your child, please support them in their weekly homework activities. Homework will be set on TT Rock Stars/Numbots (Times Tables and Number Bonds); Phonics and Spellings; reading activities and topic-based studies. Your child has been issued with a homework exercise book in which their homework can be recorded before being photographed and uploaded into Class Dojo. This book is to be kept at home.
Snacks and Drinks
We like to help our children to choose healthy eating options, extending to snacks and drinks.
Pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit, veg, cheese or a savoury snack for breaktime.
We are a strictly NO NUTs or NUT TRACE PRODUCTS school as we have a number of pupils and staff with severe nut allergies so please check packages before they are sent in. Please ensure your child brings their reading book, book bag and Royles Brook water bottle in each day.
Checking in on our school Dojo Page for weekly updates and key information!
Multiplication Check
All Year Four children complete the National Multiplication Check in June and to assist children with this at home, all children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars.
Our Spring Term homework grid can be found on Class Dojo. Children can complete their homework in their homework books, which can then be photographed and uploaded to Class Dojo as evidence. Please remember homework books stay at home.
Many thanks,
Mr. Walley